Sadhana Bhumi Himalaya For Life Research

“Yoga In Himalaya”
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Sadhana Bhumi Himalaya For Life Research (SBHFLR) has been contributing health, well-being, spiritual practice (Sadhana) for over decade in different places. Finally we settled down in beautiful Nepalese countryside. The centre is located just 10km from Kathmandu City. Our centre is completely surrounded by natural beauty. The view of the Himalaya and Kathmandu valley are breath taking. Drinking fresh mountain air instantly purifies one's body and mind, and the tranquility of its setting creates peace in one's heart.

Our aim is to rediscover one's total happiness and health through practicing a holistic yoga system and naturopathy. We are here for people who want physical, mental and spiritual growth. We have various daily programme which set up carefully to suit for everyone so that all can feel harmony with oneself, with others and with nature.

SBHFLR accomodates the value of Ashram. It is an Ashram for Yoga, Dhayana, peace and serenity, at the same time it is an academic centre for those who spent few months at SBHFLR.

We live, practice and teach authentic yogic tradition. Our system of teaching yoga does not merely take discomfort from the body but goes beyond that. Whilst spending time at SBHFLR you can train, harmonize and rediscover your physical mental and spiritual nature. Whatever you experience and learn here can help you maintain your well-being when facing the stresses of your life back home.

Everybody is welcomed here. There is no discrimination of age, sex, culture, religion or background. You are treated equally here. While you stay with us you become a member of the SBHFLR family, we work, support, encourage and empower each other with love and compassion.

In order to deepen your practice and make yogic living a vital part of your daily life
we request you stay for minimum of 5 days and maximum as long as you like.

The Programme including:
-Intensive Yoga practice
-Breathing technique
-Various Meditation
-Chanting / Bhajan
-Yogic guidance
*Naturopathy treatments
*Short trecking

(*The marked are for people who stay more than 7 days)


Medical Yoga classes are available for participants on the basis of separate fee. If someone wish to have separate Medical Yoga, it has to be arranged in advance or latest on arrival. It is essential to let us know medical history in advance. We request to join at least 7 days in the SBHFLR for effective results. We recommend not to visit in Dec, Jan, and Feb for person who have medical conditions due to theweather.

Medical yoga is the best treatment which has no side effect and no uses of drugs. You will learn how to manage and treat your own condition by yourself.

Ailments treated:

Cardiology: High blood pressure, Low blood pressure, Ischemic Heart Disease(IHD)

Pulmonology: Bronchial Asthma, Nasal Allergy, Chronic Bronchitis.

Neurology: Epilepsy, Migraine, Parkinsonism, Muscular dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple sclerosis, Mental retardation.

Psychiatry: Anxiety, Depression, Psychosis, OCD.Spinal disorders: Acute & Chronic Back Pain, Scoliosis, Neck Pain.

Metabolic disorder: Diabetes.

Gastroenterology: Gastritis, Peptic Ulcer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcerative Colitis.

Endocrinology: Obesity, Thyrotoxicosis.

Rheumatology: Arthritis

Eye Problems: Short Sight, Long Sight, Astigmatism, Squint, Early Cataract, Glaucoma.


Traditional steam bath treatment and a healing massage are included in the programme for people stay more than 7 days. Each treatment are given once in every week. We offer extra naturopathic treatment according to individual needs.

Traditional steam bath with herbs

It is one of the most popular paths applied in Naturopathy. Exposing the entire body with the exception of the head to a superheated atmosphere helps in many ways.

Herbal steam helps rejuvenate the body
Increase the blood circulation
Helps open up the skin pores
Helps remove the toxins of the skin through sweating
Helps the skin maintain its natural moisture and softness
Helps decongest the respiratory tract

Mud body treatment

Minerals and trace elements present in the mud are known for its renowned effects and healing properties. The mud pack are usually applied on the face and body.
Improves the digestive activity and sets right the metabolism
Local application helps relieve inflammations, swellings and reduces pain
Excellent in skin conditions without open lesions
Helps bring down blood pressure
Nourishes the skin
Conditions the hair
Specific kind of application relieves the stiffness of joints

Sadhana Massage

It's a special massage which is really a mind, body, and soul treatment and works not only on a physical level but on an emotional level too. The herbal oil or herbal hot packs are blended specially according to individual physical condition.

Nepali Traditional Massage

It is an ancient art of massage from Nepal. The practitioner uses his feet to perform special techniques controlled pressure over the entire body. By using the feet the practitioner can give an extremely deep and therapeutic massage. It is an excellent treatment for people who regularly practice yoga, dance and sports.

Yoga Massage

The basic form of the massage is performed fully clothed (no oils are used) on a mat on the floor. The Practitioner moves and stretches his client in Yoga poses. Throughout the treatment, the recipient is encouraged to become aware of his/her own breathing. The yoga massage increases flexibility, releasing tension, enhancing the body’s natural energy flow.

Please contact us for the price of Medical Yoga and Naturopathy treatments.
Sadhana Bhumi Himalaya For Life Research (SBHFLR) is a unique Yoga and Naturopathy centre located in Matatirtha, Kathmandu in Nepal. Our centre offers ancient traditional yoga following the way of yogic life in the best environment. We teach how to live, training of the body, will and feeling. It's the ideal place to take time off and contemplate your inner being.

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